Unnamed Project


A top down 3D ‘casual game’, centred around micromanaging a daily picnic for a cast of unique characters. The game is being developed in Unreal Engine 5 by myself and a few colleagues from Falmouth University. 

The project was devised as an opportunity to continue developing our skills on a part time basis after completing our university courses. The game was developed for 9 months and is currently incomplete, with production on pause.

My primary roles are to design and prototype core game systems with blueprints in UE5 and concept potential characters to include in the game. As one of it’s founders, I am also closely involved with the planning and direction of the project

Environment Concept by Em Ellis and Character Concept by Jesse Hooson

Game Concept

The player explores a small open world map with varying biomes, to gather resources and meet the locals. Each day the player hosts a picnic, which they will need to decorate and prepare food for. If individually catered to appropriately, characters will attend the picnic and develop a friendship with the player.

The focus is around each of the game’s characters and their story, which is told through various quests, picnic interactions and scheduled events throughout the game’s narrative.

If you’d like to read more about the game’s concept and design, you can read the Game Design Document draft here.

My Contribution

I designed and prototyped 3 core game systems: Inventory System, Time Progression System and Trading System. (More details coming soon)

I collaborated with other designers to program the game’s systems in tandem and integrate with each other. For example, I programmed the Trade Menu to be accessible via the Dialogue System (prototyped by Lyra Shillabeer).

I created concepts for potential characters to make up the game’s cast via a series of character sheets (here). These detail personality traits, background info and game attributes (In game schedule, commonly traded items etc.). 

During development, I organised regular meetings with the team to discuss the production of the game and exchange updates on work completed.

Achievements and Challenges